- 2021: Un manuscrit arménien d’œuvres attribuées à saint Ephrem le Syrien et son modèle
- 2021: Cataloguing Syriac Manuscripts: A Glimpse at the Works Carried Out in the Matenadaran of Yerevan (Armenia) and in the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchal Library of Atchaneh (Lebanon)
- 2021: Memory of Mass Persecution of Armenians and Assyrians in Four Recent Iraqi Novels
- 2021: Missionary Movements in Nisibis, Armenia, and the Silk Road
- 2020: Christians in North Syria: Syriacs, Assyrians, Armenians, and Kurdish Converts
- 2020: An Armenian Invocational Prayer of a Lost Memra of Jacob of Serugh on Good Friday and the Destruction of Sheol
- 2020: The Armenian Reception of the Homilies of Jacob of Serugh: New Findings
- 2020: Ahreman in Armenien: Untersuchungen zu den christlich-orientalischen Zurwān- Texten
- 2020: The Armenian Version of Jacob of Serugh’s Mēmrā on the Five Talents
- 2020: The Manuscripts of the Armenian Homilies of Jacob of Serugh: Preliminary Observations and Checklist
- 2020: Jesus and the Alphabet in the Caucasus: A View of the Relationship of the Georgian Infancy Gospel of Thomas to Armenian Infancy Gospel Traditions via Cross-Cultural Intersections with the Syriac, Greek, and Ethiopic Evidence
- 2019: Two Armenian Hymns on Abraham and Sarah Attributed to Ephrem the Syrian
- 2019: L’apôtre Thomas et l’Inde, dans la littérature arménienne, V e –XI e siècles
- 2019: Stefano il protomartire e i Padri della Chiesa: su alcune omelie greche e siriache tradotte in armeno e un inedito Encomio di santo Stefano di Basilio di Cesarea
- 2019: The Hagiographic Legend of King Abgar of Edessa and Its Transformations in Armenian Literature
- 2019: Medieval Armenian Commentaries on Nemesius of Emessa’s On the Nature of Man
- 2019: Zur Rezeption “Ökumenischer Konzilien” am Beispiel der persischen und armenischen Kirche
- 2019: Khosrovik Targmanich. Dogmatic Writings: Armenian Original Text with English Translation
- 2018: Fragments of Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium in Syriac Translation
- 2018: Nemesius of Emessa’s On the Nature of Man in Medieval Armenian Literature
- 2018: Gišeroy kc‘urdk‘ (Hymns of the Night): Seven Madrāše of Ephrem the Syrian Preserved in Armenian
- 2018: On Digamma and the Armenian Earth
- 2018: New Sources for the Armenian Commentary on Genesis Attributed to Ephrem
- 2018: Syrian and Armenian Christianity in Northern Macedonia from the Middle of the Eighth to the Middle of the Ninth Century