- 2018: The Role of Images and the Veneration of Icons in the Oriental Orthodox Churches: Syrian Orthodox, Armenian, Coptic and Ethiopian Traditions
- 2017: Controversies around Governmental and Parliamentary Recognition of the Armenian, Hellenic and Assyrian Genocides
- 2017: Doctrinal Union or Agreement to Disagree? Armenians and Syrians at the Synod of Manazkert (726 CE)
- 2017: Armenian Garshuni (Armenian in Syriac Characters) and Its Users
- 2017: How Armenian Was the 1915 Genocide?
- 2017: Glanes apocryphales chrétiennes dans des textes arméniens et géorgiens
- 2017: Katastrofa křesťanů: Likvidace Arménů, Asyřanů a Řeků v Osmanské říši v letech 1914–1923
- 2017: The Armenian Translation of the Syriac Life of St Ephrem and Its Syriac Source
- 2017: Les citations des Actes des Apôtres dans la littérature syriaque: la Vetus Syra et la première version arménienne
- 2016: Das Christusbild in der armenischen Überlieferung
- 2016: Le Vatican face au génocide des Arméniens et des Assyriens (Syriaques)
- 2016: On the Armenian Dictionary, Gospel and Inscription Written in Syriac Letters
- 2016: The Story of Ahikar from the Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, Hebrew, Greek, and Old Armenian. Vol. 1: Aramaic, Syriac and Arabic Texts
- 2016: Greek, Syriac and Armenian in Contact: Lexical and Textual Outcomes
- 2016: De Thaddée à Grégoire l’Illuminateur: la christianisation de l’Arménie
- 2016: The Fires of Naxčawan: In Search of Intercultural Transmission in Arabic, Armenian, Greek, and Syriac
- 2016: Zwischen den Fronten: Die russisch-orthodoxen Assyrer von Dimitrov (Armenien)
- 2016: The Armenian Version of the Apocalypse of Ps.-Methodius: Old Armenian Texts with an English Translation, Introduction, and Notes
- 2016: Comparative Characteristics of Assyrian and Armenian Wedding Rites (the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries)
- 2016: The Armenian Translation of the Gospel of the Infancy and the Protoevangelium of James: A Comparative Analysis
- 2016: The Old Armenian Version of the Apocalypse of Ps.-Methodius (Study and Texts)
- 2015: Les reliures syriaques: essai de caractérisation par comparaison avec les reliures byzantines et arméniennes
- 2015: Armenian Inscriptions and Graffiti at the Monastery of Mar Behnam and in Qaraqosh
- 2015: The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa: Digital Critical Edition of an Armenian Historiographical Text
- 2015: The Epistle of St Serapion of Thmuis to the Disciples of St Antonius the Great: Translation from Syriac and Armenian