
The History of the Syriac Prebaptismal Anointing in the Light of the Earliest Armenian Sources copy

Preferred Citation

Gabriele Winkler, "The History of the Syriac Prebaptismal Anointing in the Light of the Earliest Armenian Sources," in Symposium Syriacum, 1976: célebré du 13 au 17 septembre 1976 au Centre Culturel “Les Fontaines” de Chantilly (France), edited by François Graffin and Antoine Guillaumont (Roma: Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum , 1978), 317-324. cite

Full Citation Information


Published in: Symposium Syriacum, 1976: célebré du 13 au 17 septembre 1976 au Centre Culturel “Les Fontaines” de Chantilly (France)

  • Date of Publication: 1978
  • Pages: 317-324
  • Publisher: Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum (Roma)
  • Series: Orientalia Christiana Analecta 205

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