
Patmut‘iwn ew xratk‘ Xikaray imastnoy: haykakan xmbagrut‘yun [The Story and Proverbs of Khikar the Wise: Armenian Recension] copy

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Artashes A. Martirosyan, Patmut‘iwn ew xratk‘ Xikaray imastnoy: haykakan xmbagrut‘yun [The Story and Proverbs of Khikar the Wise: Armenian Recension] (Erevan: Academy of Sciences, 1969). cite

Full Citation Information

Patmut‘iwn ew xratk‘ Xikaray imastnoy: haykakan xmbagrut‘yun [The Story and Proverbs of Khikar the Wise: Armenian Recension]

  • Date of Publication: 1969
  • Publisher: Academy of Sciences (Erevan)

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