
Bringing Together Eastern Catholics under a Common Civil Head: The Agreements between the Syriac and Chaldean Patriarchs and the Civil Head of the Armenian Catholic Church in Constantinople (1833-1871) copy

Preferred Citation

Paolo Maggioni, "Bringing Together Eastern Catholics under a Common Civil Head: The Agreements between the Syriac and Chaldean Patriarchs and the Civil Head of the Armenian Catholic Church in Constantinople (1833-1871)," Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, vol. 64:3-4 (2012), 253-285. cite

Full Citation Information


  • Title: Bringing Together Eastern Catholics under a Common Civil Head: The Agreements between the Syriac and Chaldean Patriarchs and the Civil Head of the Armenian Catholic Church in Constantinople (1833-1871)
  • Author: Paolo Maggioni
  • URI: copy

Journal of Eastern Christian Studies

    • Date of Publication: 2012
    • Volume: 64:3-4
    • Pages: 253-285

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    The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) Licence applies to this document.