
Doctrinal Union or Agreement to Disagree? Armenians and Syrians at the Synod of Manazkert (726 CE) copy

Preferred Citation

S. Peter Cowe, "Doctrinal Union or Agreement to Disagree? Armenians and Syrians at the Synod of Manazkert (726 CE)," in Bridging Times and Spaces: Papers in Ancient Near Eastern, Mediterranean and Armenian Studies Honouring Gregory E. Areshian on the Occasion of His Sixty- Fifth Birthday, edited by Pavel S. Avetisyan and Yervand H. Grekyan (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017), 61-84. cite

Full Citation Information


Published in: Bridging Times and Spaces: Papers in Ancient Near Eastern, Mediterranean and Armenian Studies Honouring Gregory E. Areshian on the Occasion of His Sixty- Fifth Birthday

  • Date of Publication: 2017
  • Pages: 61-84
  • Publisher: Archaeopress (Oxford)

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