Anecdota Monophysitarum: The Correspondence of Peter Mongus, Patriarch of Alexandria, and Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople, together with the Henoticon of the Emperor Zeno and the Rescript of the Emperor Anastasius, Now First Translated from the Old Armenian Text copyPreferred Citation
Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare, "Anecdota Monophysitarum: The Correspondence of Peter Mongus, Patriarch of Alexandria, and Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople, together with the Henoticon of the Emperor Zeno and the Rescript of the Emperor Anastasius, Now First Translated from the Old Armenian Text," American Journal of Theology, vol. 9:4 (1905), 719-740. cite
Full Citation Information
- Title: Anecdota Monophysitarum: The Correspondence of Peter Mongus, Patriarch of Alexandria, and Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople, together with the Henoticon of the Emperor Zeno and the Rescript of the Emperor Anastasius, Now First Translated from the Old Armenian Text
Frederick Cornwallis
URI: copy
American Journal of Theology
- Date of Publication: 1905
- Volume: 9:4
- Pages: 719-740
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